Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Skating on the pond

The kids are enjoying some skating on the pond in L'Ardoise. The wind is minimal and the temperature is fluctuating between -1 and -5 Celcius. If only winter could stay like that until the spring!
The pictures are taken from the Cape Breton Living webcam.

Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week January 16, 2009. Walking on a cold January day I snapped this shot on Chapel Cove Rd in L'Ardoise. The temperature wasn't actually all that bad, a mild minus 4-5 Celsius. The cold snap hit us a couple of days later.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Welcome !

Cape Breton Living was created back in 1997, when the Internet was something very new to me. It started with a dial-up account with Sympatico. With this account, free webspace was available, so the first thing I created was a page about my family (Samson & Samson), then it evolved into everything Cape Breton. Over the years, I've added and updated the whole site to what it is today - Cape Breton Living! Keeping this Blog is a way to keep the Cape Breton Living website active and the visitors informed with what's going on across the whole website.